16 May
- 2015 -


Andis Pikāns

Weather forecast doesn’t impress us – rain, strong Northern wind and 13-14C air temperature. We prepare our rain equipment and got to bordercrossing point Pāternieki. No queues. At the Latvian side our documents are checked, boxes are not tested and we are blessed to go to Belarus, where procedure takes around two hours – we need to declare bikes, to compare frame numbers and to unpack our boxes to check the content.

Right after border we realize that we have made mistake regarding our fuel calculations. Because the closest gas station from the border is 50 km away. Andis’ bike is the first to run out of „soup”, after five clicks Normunds is next. Luckily Oskars reaches the fuel station on two wheels.

We ride through Vitebsk to Gomel. Culture of traffic is in much better level than in Latvia – truck drivers upfront move to the right to let us pass, greet us and informs about police posts. Belarussian law enforcers stops us once – check our documents and insurance, but let us go without any delays. They warn us to be careful in Ukraine and wish us good tailwind. At the fuel station next to Vitebsk we meet Alexey from Ukraine. He comes from Kiev. The guy is dressed in chemical defence combinezone and he warns us about rainshowers further up the road. 

Around 8 pm 60 km before Gomel we find the motel at the side of the road. There is a spectacular church right next to our accomodation. 500 km ridden today.

Lasīt tālāk