13 Aug
- 2008 -


Māris Olte

Every big event changes something in our lives and this story is about that! A mission with its history and taste- Yukon River canoe expedition and adventurers themselves- “Touched by Yukon”. Five Latvian travelers back in 2002, and then six years later continued their canoe expedition and went down the Yukon River right through the historic gold rush route along the wild coast of Alaska Although the gold rush is over, its history and evidence stays. The living experience, that changed our view of the world stays, and a memory in which to linger over and over again.

Hello, my name is Māris Olte. We’re having the last arrangements before the start of boating in a complete downpour. The waterproof bags are the only hope to keep our stuff dry. But we ourselves have dressed in waterproof clothes from our sponsors. It is chilly outside, about 10 degrees during the day, a long road ahead, that means the boats will be heavy and hard to maneuver. The farther we will go the lighter our canoes will become because even at this latitude poeple eat every day and do their natural needs

Just like in our winters, here it is the same in summers. Cyclones come one after another, we have experienced the warm and sunny Yukon summer only four days. And because of that raspberries and dewberries are so sour, but cabbages grow so lush as fans from pig ears. 

Yesterday we came to the village where we finished our trip six years ago. The old and always smiling Injun Albert died three years ago. While his wife, a redheaded lady, presented as Irishwoman at the last Yukon episode, sold us two so badly frozen King Salmon fillets that we had to saw them to cook. Seems like the redheaded lady is looking for a new husband, because she claimed that now she is Injun and remembers Raimond’s face even after six years. In any case, the fact didn’t help us to get a discount. 30 USD for two frozen salmon logs. I saw a fish jumping in the river, its water can be compared to cement color. I don’t get it – how the fish can swallow it. 

Foremost this destination hasn’t changed, we also not yet. Because there are physical and spiritual trainings ahead of us. Despite the rain we decided to start our yourney today and finally got in free waters. We sold the bus by which we came here and we won’t see it anymore. The expedition of people with two red boats has begun. 

P.S. We would take a picture of all of us, if it didn`t rain. 

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